Ukraine: Komarno
Time to explore more of the Western Ukraine, rich with historical treasures. The town of Komarno is a small settlement, founded in 1324. Among its attractions, is a 1754 wooden Church of Saint Michael, a beautiful multi-tiered structure, typical of churches of the Western Ukraine and eastern Romania and Hungary. Next to it, is a slightly newer stone Church of St Michael the Archangel, light blue in color with darker blue onion domes. But there’s more! A spectacular 1658 Polish kostel – catholic Church of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary stands in the center of town, it was abandoned for a long time and used as a warehouse during the soviet era, slowly recovering now. Komarno is also famous for being the town where the Jewish Hasidic movement originated (yes, the guys you see in NYC); the town was bout 70% Jewish before the WWII, but almost noone survived the Holocaust. And finally, on the outskirts of town, stands a stella commemorating the victorious battle of Great Duchy of Lithuania king over a 10,000 strong Tatar advance in the mid 17th century.