Nigeria: Awhum Waterfall & Slot Canyon
Awhum Waterfall is a combination of a a lot canyon, a cave, and a waterfall. Religious and superstitious significance aside (locals believe the water have healing powers dispel evil spirits and so on and so forth), the site is quite spectacular as a purely natural attraction. It takes a steep descent into a valley and then a long wading walk through the river bed, before you get to steep walls of a classic slot canyon with. At the end of the slot – there is a waterfall plunging from the sky – claustrophobic and atmospheric at the same time. Awhum Waterfall is around 30 m (98 feet) tall, with water steeply descending from a high rock face. It’s dark, lots of light streams through the skylights above, and also some bats swirling around you. The rock walls of the canyon are smoothed and weathered by the running water.