Armenia: Mount Aragats Highlands

Opposite of Mount Ararat stands Mount Aragats, another large volcano with four peaks. Driving up the mountains, the scenery rapidly changes as you get into the beautiful Armenia spring full of greenery and blooming wildflowers, starting at above 7,000 feet. Mount Aragats is the highest peak in Armenia, and the varied altitudes and climates of the mountain create a range of habitats, supporting a diverse array of flora. Wildflowers on Mount Aragats typically bloom in the late spring and summer months. The lower slopes begin to blossom in late May to June, while higher elevations see blooms in July and August, creating a vibrant mosaic of colors. There are many endemic species including the Armenian forget-me-nots, various gentians, amaryllises, veronicas, and so on. We found sprawling carpets and yellow, blue, and pink in places.