Australia: Kakadu NP – Birds of Savanna Forests

Birdwatching is awesome in the Kakadu National Park and not just the waterfowl. The savanna forest is where you can see large groups of such unusual birds as cockatoos, parakeets, and kookaburras. Sulphur-crested cockatoos were in large flocks and super loud, and they were really upclose and unafraid at the camping site – large white parrots with yellow crests on their heads. Even bigger were the red-tailed black cockatoos, although they weren’t as friendly and approachable (they are 60 cm tall and weigh up to 1kg). Even more numerous were a third species of cockatoos – little corella aka bare-eyed cockatoos – the smallest of the three, but also the loudest, with distinct blue circles around their eyes (probably lack of sleep after all the screaming). Finally, perhaps the most amazing are the blue-winged kookaburras – giant forest kingfishers, almost triple the size of a normal kingfisher. Plus red-winged parrots, drongos, lapwings, fruit doves, orioles, coucals, finches, and much more.