Burkina Faso: Bobo-Dioulasso – Old Town

Bobo-Dioulasso’s old town, often referred to as “Dioulassoba,” is one of the oldest parts of Bobo-Dioulasso, with a history dating back several centuries. The name “Dioulassoba” means “Old Bobo-Dioulasso,” indicating its status as the historic core of the city but if you expect a spectacular traditional old town, it ain’t. The old town is jumble of dilapidated l mudbrick buildings with wooden supports. Narrow, winding streets and alleys somewhat look like slums and there there is a lot of trash. There are some craftsmen and iron workers, and also a sacred pond with sacred catfish (although people doing laundry just upstream probably doesn’t make the catfish too healthy). There are also areas of really old buildings and also some voodoo animist sacrificial towers.