Cuba: Havana – Four Plazas of Old Havana

The UNESCO World Heritage city-center of Old Havana is a compact area of grid-aligned streets revolving around four major plaza. Fist is the Plaza de La Catedral with the Catedral de San Cristobal. Not far from here is the Plaza de Armas with a beautiful park in the middle, magnificent Palacio de los Capitane and Museo de La Cuidad, as well as opening toward the Castillo de la Real Fuerza. Next plaza is Plaza Vieja, with its Art Nouveau to Cuban Baroque facades, full of cafes and vibrant with nightlife, often packed with street performers. And last but not least is Plaza de San Francisco, facing the harbor and port of Old Havana, with the famous buildings of Lonja del Comercio, with its stunning central dome, and the Basilica de San Francisco de Asis. Also the famous Fuente de los Leones, a white marble fountain.