Germany: Suhl – Firearms Museum

Suhl is known for its long history of firearms manufacturing, dating back several centuries. Metal mining led to gun production, and Suhl was a major producer of cannons throughout the 17-18th centuries, and Suhl cannons were used by many European warring powers. The city became a hub for gunsmithing and weapon manufacturing, producing high-quality firearms that were highly sought after across Europe. Suhl’s skilled craftsmen gained international acclaim for their expertise and precision in producing rifles, pistols, and other firearms. n the 19th and early 20th centuries, Suhl experienced rapid industrialization, further boosting its reputation as a center for firearms production. However, the aftermath of WWII and the division of Germany led to the decline of the city’s arms industry, as production facilities were dismantled or relocated. The Forearms Museum (Waffenmuseum) has three floors dedicated to forearms – guns, pistols, machine guns, shooting rifles, sports rifles and so on – a truly incredible collection.