Haiti: Port-au-Prince – Voodoo Market

Voodoo beliefs and practices play an enormous role in the lives of Haitian. With almost no hospitals or accessible medical care left, unemployment, roving gangs, and despair, people have nowhere else to turn except voodoo. The voodoo market is part of a larger Marche La Coupe– here there are plenty of a bit out of the way stalls selling voodoo dolls, potions, candles, herbs, and various artifacts. A lot of the voodoo stuff is sold under various religious Christian paraphernalia like icons and books and candles. Maybe it’s not as insane here as we saw it in Benin or Togo or Mali in Africa, but it’s still pretty close. We did see a dried up human jaw hanging around and we got to smell some fuming voodoo stuff that made us almost choke.