Mali/Burkina Faso: Mango Corridor in Southeastern Mali & Burkina Faso

Southern Mali and Burkina Faso are major mango producing areas in the West Africa – call it a “mango corridor” between Sikasso in Mali and Bobo Dialasso in Burkina Faso. Groves after groves of mangoes line the road here, not commercial farms, but rather simple community own trees. The local communities harvest mangoes and then sell for pennies to wholesalers who eventually sell to several more rounds of distributors. Germany, France, Netherlands, and Belgium are some of the largest importers. Mangoes are one of the main export category for both Mali and Burkina Faso. There were so many mangoes for sale that we seriously overate – some huge ones and super juicy, some smaller green ones and super sweet, and all of them super duper ripe and cheap. Prices ranges from 5 for $1 in towns to a bucket for a $1 along the roads. Or just walk spit around the grove and pick them up from the ground or trees.