Morocco: Marrakesh – Eating Babbouche Snails on Jemma El Fna

A must-do gastronomic experience in the evening on Jemma El Fna is trying the snails in broth aka babbouche. The snails used are simple garden land snails of the Helix Aspersa species. As the sun sets, many sellers set up snail stalls in the heart of the square. The snails are slow-cooked in a flavorful broth made from a variety of spices and herbs, including aniseed, thyme, pepper, mint, cumin, and chili. The snails are being simmered in the spiced broth for several hours to allow the flavors to permeate and the snails to become tender. Babbouche is served hot in small bowls with some of the flavorful broth. People sit around and use toothpicks to extract the snails from their shells.Babbouche is a staple in Moroccan street food culture, particularly in the evenings when Jemaa el-Fnaa comes alive with food stalls, entertainers, and bustling crowds. And they taste delicious.