Nigeria: Nigerian Food Recap

Nigerian food is not gonna get into our top 10. Probably not top 50 either. Just as the country is an insane mix of cultures and tribal groups, the cuisine is a mishmash of a lot of ingredients lumped together and smothered with oils to create stews and so-called soups. The soups are a thick mix of various ingredients – vegetables like okra and potatoes, meats and near-meats (like cow skin or intestines), various local plants and leaves, fish (including dried up tiny fish that are smoked with bones in them and then pounded). All this is overloaded with palm nut oil (which is often rather unpalatable). Aesthetically, many of these stews and soups are not appetizing, but okra soup was actually quite tasty. More edible were joloff rice, grilled goat, and grilled fish. All dishes are eaten with fufu (cassava), or pounded yam. Everything is eaten by hands, no utensils.