Thailand: Hong Islands
Hong Islands are one of the main attractions along the Krabi coast – the Andaman sea is dotted with hundreds of limestone islands and islets here that make for a stunning scenery. The limestone rises hundreds of feet above the water lever in places, creating pillars, elaborate lagoons, amazing white sand crescents of beaches, shallow sand bars, and various combinations of the above. The Hong Islands are protected as part of the Than Bok Khorani National Park, and as such no resorts are allowed. However, there are no limits on the number of speed or regular long boats that can arrive here and the tiny beaches feel more like a zoo than paradise. Russians and Chinese come here in thousands and neither group behaves particularly appropriate to being in pristine nature. Forget snorkeling here – it’s like trying to snorkel in a jam-packed whirlpool. When the hordes disappear – these islands are probably surreally beautiful, but during the day – it’s a mess.