Zimbabwe: Hwange NP – Black Sable Antelopes
Another spectacular antelope species that is rarely seen – Black Sable. Very similar in appearance to roam antelope, sable is much darker in color and the horns are much longer, especially on adult males. The females and sub adults are brown or chestnut in color, but adult males over 3 years old are almost black (hence the name “Black Sable”). The butt and face cheeks are snow-white; they also have a horse-like lavish mane. They roam in herds of 10-20 alway led by a single male bull; they are quite skittish and don’t allow any approach. And finally, the most spectacular part of the black sable are its ringed horns that can reach 150cm/60inches. Sable antelopes don’t run away from lions but confront them by lowering their heads completely to the ground so that the horns spike out against the attacking animals – many lions have been gored to death like this.