Ghana: Sirigu Village

Sirigu is a traditional village in far northern Ghana, just a few kilometers from the Burkina Faso border. It is known for its traditional brightly painted houses as well pottery and basket weaving. During a visit to a house here – not some museum but a real house where people live – you get to see the whole setup. Usually a large baobab tree stands outside the house, and a mud brick wall surrounds the entire “villa”, with brightly painted black-and-red motives in it. Next, you go through an area where goats, cows, and chicken are housed (in a fair amount of poop). Next are two towering granaries with straw roofs. Next, is the traditional house with a low entry and a barrier behind it. Inside, it’s cool and fresh since no windows allow any sun and heat. Pottery and utensils hang on the walls. No TV, no running water, no wi-fi.