Kurils/Kunashir: Inside Golovnin Volcano Caldera

The caldera of the Golovnin volcano is huge with two lakes inside appropriately named Kipyascheye (Boiling) and Goryacheye (Hot). This place probably sees under 200 tourists per year so you are free to pretty much go anywhere at your own risk. And this risk is huge – the ground is literally boiling underneath your feet and seeping with steam and sulphuric fumaroles – one wrong step and you could fall through and burn yourself. The waters of the Boiling lake are white and cloudy and roughly body temperature, while the hot springs on one of its side are truly boiling. The Hot Lake is actually cold (perhaps it was hot before). And to top it all – you can climb a very steep hill right in the heart of the caldera for super panoramic views of everything! And I spotted several rare white-tailed sea eagles soaring above the caldera…