Mexico/Jalisco: Guadalajara

Guadalajara is the capital of the Jalisco state and second largest city in Mexico. But it’s quite easy and enjoyable to explore – the city is laid out with four major squares forming a cross and interconnected by wide pedestrian boulevards. The centerpiece on Plaza de Armas is without a doubt the Guadalajara Cathedral, built in 1558-1616, baroque in style and packed with painting and gold inside. Mexican cathedrals and churches are all obsessed with displaying various ghostly figures of saints and apostolate and Jesus is multiple poses of excruciating suffering (sometimes you feel you are in a house of horrors rather then a religious institution). Other attractions include Palacio de Gobierno, Teatro Degollado, Rotonda de Los Jaliscienses Ilustres, and many others, some deserving separate posts, so stay tuned!