New Zealand: Otorohanga Kiwi House

Otorohanga Kiwi House is dedicated to conservation of the New Zealand’s native wildlife species – kiwis and other birds and lizards. Kiwi is New Zealand’s national bird, and there are five distinct species of them in the country. They are all the size of a large chicken, but are actually relate to ostriches, emus, and rheas. The birds are nocturnal and very elusive and nearly impossible to see in the wild. At the Kiwi House however, there are two different pavilions that recreate the night environment during the day and you are almost assured to spot and observe kiwis (the species we saw was the North Island Brown Kiwi). Amazing experience! Besides the kiwis, there were also endemic tuatara lizards and green tree geckos, kea parrots, tui, kereru pigeons, red crowned kakariki parakeets, grey teals, brown teals, blue ducks, wekas, and many others.