Boliva: La Paz – Exploring Old City

La Paz is mildly insane – it’s one of the highest cities in the world at about 11,500-13,000 feet of elevation, located in a bowl between high Andean peaks. There isn’t a single street in the city that doesn’t go steeply up or down. The historic center is packed to the gills with people, cars, minibuses, and trucks – all seemingly from the time warp of the 1960-70s. Plaza San Fransisco and Plaza Murillo are the main two historic plazas on the city, with the latter hosting the government palaces and legislative assembly. Narrow cobblestone streets radiate in different directions from here, all full of rustic and crumbling architecture. Don’t know why, but I couldn’t shake off the feeling that I was in West Africa and not South America. The clunky old Dodge buses were the best!