USA/NY: Buffalo

Buffalo is the second largest city in the state of New York after the New York City. Originally called New Amsterdam, it became one of the largest and most industrialized city in the USA in the 19th century. Shipyards, iron and steel mills, meat-packing factories, flour mills, railroad construction, and electricity generation and processing from nearby Niagara developed and flourished here. But all of this didn’t transfer well onto the dotcom economy of the 21st century and today Buffalo is mostly slowly dying city, with one of the most rapidly decreasing population in the USA. Strolling around the historic downtown, you walk beneath towering old skyscrapers, monuments, and bank buildings. There are hardly any people here, and mostly not because of coronavirus, but because the downtown is nearly dead. The only people were some bums begging for money, half a dozen Black Lives Matter protesters with a tent set up in from of the city hall, a dozen cops monitoring the protest from every angle, a couple rednecks with confederate flags, and a few alcoholic weirdos without any political agenda but clearly high on meth or oxy or both. And that’s Buffalo downtown…